Here is where we store old printing games. If you've lost one, you can catch it now!


This is the school where the kids study at!


Look! There's a building down there!


We've made up a house for you to play!


Inspired by Stanley Kubrick's "2001 - A Space Odissey", the movie, we dressed Peter and Paul like astronauts !

Cousin Bel and her clothes!

Men At Work. And you'll get a cement mixer with them!

Call the firemen!

Cleaning service. And you have a truck also!

Police. With police car!!!

Health. Doctor, nurse and ambulance!

Kadike Money - bills and little coins for you to play with your friends!

This domino is quite different: instead of small dots, it has funny faces!

Look, labels for you to paste onto your notebooks!

Memory game - don't forget to print each pages two times, for you can make pairs!

Our family's masks !

Jungle animals for you to print!


Ver tudo!

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